- Anagram or not
- Calculate the Frequency of characters in a string
- Capitalize the first and last letter of each word of a string
- Check if two strings match where one string contains wildcard characters
- compare two strings
- concatenate a string
- Count common sub sequence in two strings
- Count the sum of numbers in a string
- Length of a string
- Move last element to front of a given Linked List
- Non-repeating characters in a string
- Remove brackets from an algebraic expression
- Remove characters in a string except for alphabets
- Remove spaces from a string
- Remove vowels from a string
- Replace substring in a string
- reverse a string.
- Sort a string in alphabetical order
- String is a palindrome or not
- Toggle each character in a string
- Vowel or Consonant
- Array is a subset of another array or not
- Array Type
- Arrays are disjoint or not
- Count distinct elements of an array
- elements in a given array are distinct
- Frequency of each element of an array
- Maximum product subarray in a given array
- Number of even and odd elements in an array
- prime numbers in a given range
- Remove duplicate elements in an array
- Repeating elements in an array
- Reversing an array
- Sorting the elements of an array
- The longest palindrome in an array
- The maximum scalar product of two vectors
- The minimum scalar product of two vectors
- The numbers of an array be made equal
- The second smallest element in an array
- the smallest and largest element in an array
- The sum of elements in an array
- The sum of positive square elements in an array
- two arrays are the same or not
- Add two fractions
- Alphabet or Not
- Area
- Armstrong number or not
- Armstrong numbers between two intervals
- ASCII Value Of Character
- Assembly program in C
- basic array operations
- C Program to convert Number in Characters
- C Program to generate Fibonacci Triangle
- C Program to print Alphabet Triangle
- C Program to print Number Triangle
- C program to print the truth table for XY+Z
- C Program without main() function
- Calculate the Frequency of characters in a string
- Capitalize the first and last letter of each word of a string
- Check if two strings match where one string contains wildcard characters
- compare two strings
- Compute average of two numbers without overflow
- concatenate a string
- Conditionally assign a value without using conditional and arithmetic operators
- conversion
- Convert digit/number to words
- copy a string.
- Count common sub sequence in two strings
- Count distinct elements of an array
- Count the sum of numbers in a string
- Diamond pattern
- Display the stack trace of the exceptions generated.
- elements in a given array are distinct
- express a number as a sum of two prime numbers
- Factorial
- Fibonacci series
- find Number of days in a given month
- Find the middle of a given linked list
- Floyd’s triangle
- Frequency of each element of an array
- Greatest Of the Number
- LCM and GCD
- Leap Year or Not
- Length of a string
- Linklist
- Maximum number of handshakes
- Maximum product subarray in a given array
- Minimum number of Coins
- Move last element to front of a given Linked List
- Non-repeating characters in a string
- Number Of Digits
- Number of even and odd elements in an array
- Palindrome or not
- Palindromic pyramid pattern
- Pascal triangle
- Perfect Number
- Permutations and Combinations
- Positive or Negative Number
- Power and Factors
- Prime number or not
- prime numbers in a given range
- Print “javaabhigyan” with empty main() in C
- Pyramid pattern
- Quadrants in which coordinates lie
- rectangles overlap or not.
- Remove brackets from an algebraic expression
- Remove characters in a string except for alphabets
- Remove duplicate elements in an array
- Remove spaces from a string
- Remove vowels from a string
- Repeating elements in an array
- Replace all 0’s with 1 in a given integer
- Replace substring in a string
- Reserve Number
- reverse a string.
- Roots of a quadratic equation
- Size of structure
- Solid and hollow rectangle star pattern
- Sort a string in alphabetical order
- Sorting the elements of an array
- String is a palindrome or not
- Strong Number
- Swap two variables without using third variable.
- The longest palindrome in an array
- The maximum scalar product of two vectors
- The minimum scalar product of two vectors
- The number of integers which has exactly 9 divisors
- The number of times digit 3 occurs
- The numbers of an array be made equal
- The second smallest element in an array
- the smallest and largest element in an array
- The sum of elements in an array
- The sum of positive square elements in an array
- Toggle each character in a string
- Triplets with a given sum
- two arrays are the same or not
- Vowel or Consonant
- Add two fractions
- Alphabet or Not
- Area
- Armstrong number or not
- Armstrong numbers between two intervals
- ASCII Value Of Character
- Assembly program in C
- basic array operations
- C Program to convert Number in Characters
- C Program to generate Fibonacci Triangle
- C Program to print Alphabet Triangle
- C Program to print Number Triangle
- C program to print the truth table for XY+Z
- C Program without main() function
- Calculate the Frequency of characters in a string
- Capitalize the first and last letter of each word of a string
- Check if two strings match where one string contains wildcard characters
- compare two strings
- Compute average of two numbers without overflow
- concatenate a string
- Conditionally assign a value without using conditional and arithmetic operators
- conversion
- Convert digit/number to words
- copy a string.
- Count common sub sequence in two strings
- Count distinct elements of an array
- Count the sum of numbers in a string
- Diamond pattern
- Display the stack trace of the exceptions generated.
- elements in a given array are distinct
- express a number as a sum of two prime numbers
- Factorial
- Fibonacci series
- find Number of days in a given month
- Find the middle of a given linked list
- Floyd’s triangle
- Frequency of each element of an array
- Greatest Of the Number
- LCM and GCD
- Leap Year or Not
- Length of a string
- Linklist
- Maximum number of handshakes
- Maximum product subarray in a given array
- Minimum number of Coins
- Move last element to front of a given Linked List
- Non-repeating characters in a string
- Number Of Digits
- Number of even and odd elements in an array
- Palindrome or not
- Palindromic pyramid pattern
- Pascal triangle
- Perfect Number
- Permutations and Combinations
- Positive or Negative Number
- Power and Factors
- Prime number or not
- prime numbers in a given range
- Print “javaabhigyan” with empty main() in C
- Pyramid pattern
- Quadrants in which coordinates lie
- rectangles overlap or not.
- Remove brackets from an algebraic expression
- Remove characters in a string except for alphabets
- Remove duplicate elements in an array
- Remove spaces from a string
- Remove vowels from a string
- Repeating elements in an array
- Replace all 0’s with 1 in a given integer
- Replace substring in a string
- Reserve Number
- reverse a string.
- Roots of a quadratic equation
- Size of structure
- Solid and hollow rectangle star pattern
- Sort a string in alphabetical order
- Sorting the elements of an array
- String is a palindrome or not
- Strong Number
- Swap two variables without using third variable.
- The longest palindrome in an array
- The maximum scalar product of two vectors
- The minimum scalar product of two vectors
- The number of integers which has exactly 9 divisors
- The number of times digit 3 occurs
- The numbers of an array be made equal
- The second smallest element in an array
- the smallest and largest element in an array
- The sum of elements in an array
- The sum of positive square elements in an array
- Toggle each character in a string
- Triplets with a given sum
- two arrays are the same or not
- Vowel or Consonant
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