Aptitude, Aptitude Hack, Aptitude Tricks & Tips, Mock Test, Test Series,

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Aptitude Hack#73(7-5-19)


If the diagonal of a rectangle is 17 cm long and its perimeter is 46 cm, Find the area of the rectangle.
 A )   130 cm
 B )   120 cm
 C )   125 cm
 D )   140 cm

Answer: B) 120cm2

Let length = x and breadth = y, Then,
2 (x + y) = 46 
=> x + y = 23 
 x + y  = (17)  = 289.
Now, (x + y) = (23)  
==> (x+ y) + 2xy = 529
 ==> 289 + 2xy = 529 
==> xy=120
Area ==> xy = 120 cm2


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