Aptitude, Aptitude Hack, Aptitude Tricks & Tips, Mock Test, Test Series,

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Aptitude Hack#67(1-5-19)


A bag contains 50 Ps,  25 Ps and 10 Ps coins in the ratio 5: 9: 4, amounting to Rs. 206. Find the number of coins of each type.

  A )   160, 360, 200
  B )   360, 160 , 200
  C )   200, 360, 160
  D )   200, 160, 360

Answer:C) 200,360,160


 Let the number of 50 Ps,  25 Ps, and 10 Ps coins are 5x, 9x and 4x respectively.

(5x/2)+( 9x/ 4)+(4x/10) ==> 206
 ==>  50x + 45x + 8x = 4120
 ==> 103x = 4120
 ==> x=40.
Number of 50 Ps. coins = (5 x 40) = 200
Number of 25 Ps. coins = (9 x 40) = 360
Number of 10 Ps. coins = (4 x 40) = 160


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