Aptitude, Aptitude Hack, Aptitude Tricks & Tips, Mock Test, Test Series,

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Aptitude Hack#85(19-5-19)


A crate of mangoes contains one bruised mango for every thirty mangoes in the crate. If three out of every four bruised mango are considerably unsaleable and there are 12 unsaleable mangoes in the crate then how many mangoes is there in the crate?

   A )   450
   B )   480
   C )   500
   D )   490

Answer: B) 480


Let the total no of mangoes in the crate be x

Then the no of bruised mango = 1/30 * x

Let the no of unsalable mangoes =3/4 *(1/30 x)

1/40 *x =12


Hence 480 mangoes are there in the crate.


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